Fabio Bracht
2 min readJan 3, 2019


Coincidentally with the beginning of the year, I just became very interested in something called bullet journaling — maybe you’ve heard of it?

Anyway, it’s this very cool… framework?… around keeping notebooks. I noticed that, even though I love the software design for these apps and think they are a joy to use, apps like Things 3 and Evernote just don’t really work for me. I’m interested in giving an honest shot at moving towards this more analog way of keeping me focused, grounded, directed towards where I really want to go.

One of the benefits of bullet journaling that I’m most hopeful about is that it appears to be structured enough to not become an overwhelming and useless mess (like my Things 3 project list…) while still being extremely free-form, in a way that seems to really promote creativity and self-expression. I can make pages in any format and about every subject I’m interested in or passionate about, in the same breath and with the same tools I use to keep my daily and monthly/weekly to-do lists. And I can have more than tasks listed at any given day: people keep all sorts of things in their daily logs, from movies they watched to memories from that day they want to hold on to. These things can coexists in the same and still can be neatly organized and visually distinct from each other in a way that is probably impossible with software.

If you’re interested in it, I recommend checking out the official website and the official YouTube channel, since they do a good job of explaining things in an open-ended but clear way.


Happy 2019!

PS.: The website can come across as being heavy-handed in trying to sell you things as the book explaining the method, the official notebook, and the companion app. But everything is optional in the same way that you don’t need the Official Pomodoro Timer to effectively use the Pomodoro Technique. The website and the videos on YouTube do a good job at explaining the whole thing, and then you can use any notebook you want.

PPS.: That said, I definitely got the official stuff because I’m a sucker like that. heheh



Fabio Bracht
Fabio Bracht

Written by Fabio Bracht

Cares too much about: 1. Design, 2. Board games, 3. Lists having at least three items.

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